Secondary English Goes Online: A Practical Textbook for Grade XII
Pengarang: Anita Kurniawati Hadiyanto, Anne Indrayanti Timotius, Debora Tri Ragawanti Penerbitan: KEP Terbit: 2023 Halaman: 88 Bahasa: Inggris More Details
The book Secondary English Goes Online is a practical guidebook for teaching and learning English using various types of text for students in grade XII. The use of text-based teaching instruction integrated with digital learning tools makes this book a good choice for a curriculum that emphasizes types of text to achieve particular communicative purposes. This volume consists of five chapters. Chapter 1 discusses advertisements, titled “I’m lovin’ it! Just do it! Chapter 2 discusses a procedure text (i.e., manual), and the chapter title is “This is how you do it” Chapter 3 is an analytical exposition titled “Should I or Shouldn’t I.” Chapter 4 is about a cause and effect text titled “So, it happens.” Lastly, Chapter 5 is a narrative text entitled “Wingardium Leviosa! Each book chapter consists of Building Knowledge of the Field, Modelling of the Text, Joint Construction of the Text, Independent Construction of the Text, Linking to Related Text, and Enrichment activities. |